Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Made it to the Second Week!

Not doing so well keeping up with this thing anymore. I've been consumed with the world of job search. bleh. That definitely isn't going so well!!! :/

Insanity is going wonderfully. The first week (the second time) was much much easier than the first time. Was able to keep up with much more of the routine before my heart rate climbed. So that's good stuff.

We did our weigh in yesterday. gained 2 pounds of muscle, but have also lost 2 inches in the waist, and an inch in the legs, arms and chest.... kinda crazy. My arms are starting to look a little more defined now, and my legs are feeling wonderful!

The meal plan is going well too. Use to the meals they provide, but have also become comfortable enough with understanding the healthy eating that I've branched out to create some of my own meals using this food pyramid thingie that was provided with the meal book.

All in all things are going really well. I'm feeling much more energetic, less stressed out, and all around more happy again. :) It feels so good to be in a good workout routine again! It was actually hard to take our day off on Sunday. It felt weird not working out for a day. In fact, it was so weird to Jeff that he actually hopped on the cardio bike and did 5 miles. hahaha. Too funny.

Speaking of Jeffrey. He's doing so well!!! I'm really proud that he's made it so far without giving up. I definitely questioned his dedication at first, but he's totally proved me wrong. :) He's so excited about getting in shape and healthy. He's starting to set goals for himself as to where he wants to be by the end of this program. It's sort of a turn on. ;) (don't tell him I said that though!! hehe)

Anyways.. going to try to get back to the daily blog!

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